Arabic, 5th Most Spoken Language in The World

The Arabic language ranks in the top five of the most spoken languages in the world.

Today, there are 7,117 languages spoken in the world, spread over 220 countries.

Among these languages, about 40% are unfortunately threatened with extinction. This is due to the decreasing number of speakers, resulting in the language’s gradual disappearance. 

According to UNESCO, one language disappears every two weeks.

In fact, out of a total of more than 7,000 languages spoken in more than 220 countries, only 200 languages are both spoken and written, and only 23 languages are spoken by more than half the world’s population. 

These numbers are constantly changing, and research on world languages is constantly being released. 

If 7,117 languages are currently listed around the world, not all of them radiate in the same direction or undergo the same evolution.

According to the scientific publication, Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, and Arabic are among the top five native languages in the world.

Arabic is the sixth most spoken language in the world, behind English (1268 billion speakers), Mandarin Chinese (1.012 billion), Hindi (637 million), Spanish (538 million) and French, which is closely tied to Arabic for this ranking.

Arabic is spoken by 274 million people in the world, while french speakers make up 277 million. In France, Arabic is the second most spoken language with more than 4 million speakers.

To complete this Top 10 of the most spoken languages in the world, we find behind Arabic, Bengali (265 million speakers), Russian (258 million), Portuguese (252 million) and finally Indonesian (200 million).



