HISTORY RECORD :‘The Voice of the Arabs’ Radio Station Launched : Cairo, July 04th, 1953

‘The Voice of the Arabs’ radio station was launched in the Egyptian Capital, Cairo on July 04th, 1953


Late broadcaster Ahmed Said, better known for his program broadcasted on “Sawt el-Arab” [The Voice of the Arabs] radio station – Social media / pix: egypttoday.com



Saudi Arabia Opens Military Recruitment to Women : February 2021

Women can now join Saudi Arabia’s armed forces, following a ruling by the Saudi Ministry of Defense that opened the way for both genders to sign up through a unified admission portal starting Sunday.

Military ranks from soldier to sergeant will be available in the Saudi Arabian Army, Royal Saudi Air Defense, Royal Saudi Navy, Royal Saudi Strategic Missile Force, and Armed Forces Medical Services.

Saudi female applicants must be between the age of 21 and 40 years old, have a height of 155 cm or taller, and cannot be a government employee.

Female submissions must also hold an independent national identity card and have at least a high school education. Applicants married to non-Saudi citizens will not be accepted.

source: arabnews.com


All applicants must have a clean record and be medically fit for service. (Supplied) / pix: arabnews.com
